Monday, March 16, 2009

Back to Work

Looks like I will be back on the fitness schedule starting in April! I'm going to start teaching water class. That will work out perfectly, as I won't feel like I'm over doing it by picking up all sorts of strength classes in the studios. Plus come summer time we teach outdoors, which is awesome at nine in the morning.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Scoped Celebrities

Now that the most famous baseball player of this generation (A-Rod) has undergone the hip scope, I was curious to know what other famous people are included in this select group. Come to find out, there's a lot!

According to, famous hip arthroscopy patients include: singer Barry Manilow and Professional athletes like golfer Greg Norman, hockey player Mario Lemieux, skater Tara Lipinski, and football player Priest Holmes. Several NBA Basketball players have had hip arthroscopy in recent years, including Theo Ratliffe w/the Atlanta Hawks(2002), Sam Cassell, Joe and Josh Shipp, and Troy Hudson (2008.) Others include figure skater MIchelle Kwan and goalie for the Anaheim Ducks, Jean-Sebastien Giguere.

According to, Alex Rodriguz's surgeon, Mark Philippon, removed a "pincer" impingement, stabilized cartilage, repaired the labrum tear and debrided the lining of the cyst. It's also reported that Rodriguez will need a second operation after the season to take care of a "cam" impingement in the hip--this surgery will be much more major and keep him sidelined longer. This Sports Illustrated article sums things up nicely:

Not that I would wish this surgery on anyone, but after having two hips scopes done last year on the same hip (due to a re-tear 6 weeks after scope #1 which finally resulted in a PAO), it's kind of nice to have someone draw attention to this problem so people have a better idea of what I'm talking about.