An opportunity arose for me to sub a Bootcamp class at one of the gyms I teach at. Prior to surgery I use to teach a much more aggressive format, and since surgery I've been keeping up with my workouts on my own time. So, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to prove to myself that I still got it. Well, let me tell ya something--not teaching this format for over a year and then jumping in for one day was not the brightest idea I've ever had. You know that post-workout soreness that sets in 24-48 hours later? I got it within 6 hours. And it was not that "good sore" that reminds you that you just had a killer workout. It was a soreness that I've never felt before. The only movement I could do pain free was breathe, and even that was pushing it. The real kicker is that I didn't even do the entire workout, mostly demoed a few moves and then coached the class through. But I know that dang adrenaline has a way of taking over and I always tend to over do it. Oh brother did I over do it! For now I'll stick with teaching water--Monday & Wednesday mornings--and do my own thing on alternate days. Maybe I need to kick it up a notch?!
On another note, I just want to give a shout out to everyone who keeps checking in on my blog! I know I don't post so much anymore, but there's just not that much going on. Screws are set to come out May 15th, but I've already told you that.
10 years
6 years ago
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