January 19th was my official 6 month post-PAO date, and today was my 6 month follow-up appointment. Things went well. I told him I feel about 75% but have no regrets on having the surgery. As of late I have been having some weird pains when I pivot my foot (like when I step away from a counter), and there has been a couple occasions where I go to stand up and walk only to feel something that stops me in my tracks. It's almost like it wants to stick or lock but then works its way out. He said these things usually work their way out, but he also thinks my gluteus maximus tendon is irritated, possibly from the elliptical. But mostly I say I'm 75% because there is no way I could jump around or run right now, if ever. My son darted off in a parking lot recently and it took everything I had to chase him down. Let me tell ya, there was nothing graceful about my running style. It's like a step-hop-step-hop, and I look ridiculous!
We also discussed screw removal. At last visit he mentioned I could do it under local anesthetic, and remain awake. This time he said he would advise against local and just go for the general. I guess he recently removed screws using local from a double PAO patient who he described her personality as "hard as nails", and she was in extreme pain (she described it as way worse than natural child birth.) Yeah, last thing I want is to be pinned down screaming my head off with the doc standing over me with a drill. I wouldn't want to rattle him while he works, I think I'll take the general. Good news is that it's a quick procedure and only a small incision.
I am also gearing up to return to teaching fitness this Spring. I've started attending some classes to prep my body, but the truth is that you work so much harder as an instructor, so no matter what I'm gonna be sore after I start teaching again. Oh well, it will be a good and welcome kind of soreness.
10 years
6 years ago
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