Saturday, August 16, 2008

4 Weeks Down, 4 To Go?

It's hard to believe that I've been sitting in this recliner for only 4 weeks, it's starting to feel like an eternity! I've read that weeks 3-4 are very tough because you start feeling better, but are still very restricted on your movements.  I can agree with that.  But I have high hopes that the next couple of weeks will bring me great accomplishments and I will be off these crutches before the next 4 weeks are up.

Week 3 started off good. I started PT, I saw my leg muscles start to work a bit, I was getting around better, I had my last blood draw, I had ditched my TEDs--basically I was going places!  I was finding small things to write about, like how I got into the car and didn't have to use my other foot to assist with the lift.  Or how I sent the CPM machine back.  Or how I started working from home on a minimal basis.  Then the purple foot thing started, and the TEDs went back on.  Then the wicked muscle spasm happened, and I wasn't getting around much at all and the muscles were telling me they needed a break.  And the way my schedule worked out there will be 10 days between my 1st & 2nd PT sessions.

So all in all, I've seen progress & I've seen regression.  But I know more progress in on the horizon.  I need to keep in mind that my body is still healing, and I need to takes things slow.  I've been having dreams that I'm walking without my crutches, and then I realize that I forgot to use my crutches and I rush back to get them.

So I will spend this week doing my exercises and icing in hopes of driving soon.  That's my big goal.  I will also spend more hours working from home.  And I will focus on getting more solid rest (if only these Olymipcs were on earlier!)  Onward & upward!

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