Sunday, August 24, 2008

5 Weeks & Counting

In my attempt to keep a weekly journal on my PAO experience, I'm finding that week 5 may be a turning point in a positive direction.  It's been kind of an delicate balancing act, at times I'm bored to tears, but I've also seen glimpses of the life I knew.  

For instance, I went to the park with my mom & son and watched him play on the swings and run through the splash park.  I got out for an hour and met the girls for a much needed drink.  The key hear was to really limit myself due to the coordination required for the crutches; and also the logistics of of it all were silly as I had my dad drop me off.  I finally made it to the gym to ride the bike, but as expected I was wiped out after crutching around that place.  Maybe I'll get some killer arms out of the deal, that would be cool.  And I rode the scooter around the grocery store.  So although these all seem like very minor, everyday tasks they added up for one very busy week.

After leaving the gym today for the first time, I was surprised that I wasn't ecstatic about being there or what I just accomplished.  Maybe because it's more of a chore to trek around that place?  Maybe because some chick basically slammed a door in my face?  Maybe because it seems like people are either staring or trying not to make eye contact.  My husband had a good point that people are probably trying to figure out what is wrong with me, as there's not an obvious sign like a cast.  One lady asked if I sprained my ankle, which I responded 'something like that, I had my pelvis reconstructed.' She wasn't quite sure what to say after that, and I wasn't even trying to be a smart ass.  The good news was that I rode for a total of 20 minutes, and I just about doubled my RPMs from PT without even really trying after I got going.  It did take a few minutes to get going fast enough for the electronics to turn on, and I was a little worried at first but it all worked out.

As for the boredom, that's been one of the tougher challenges since the pain has subsided.  I guess it's a welcome sign seeing how I must be feeling better to wish I had something else to do besides sit around and wait to heal.  I just have to remind myself that this is only for a short period of time and I will be walking soon.

1 comment:

clshala said...

Yay for five weeks down! I know what you mean about people staring. I used my handicapped parking tag one day and the handicapped lady who parked next to me, who looked pretty bad off herself, said "you look like you really screwed yourself up!" Can't wait to see people's responses AFTER surgery.

Take care of yourself!
